For over a decade, has been L.A area families go-to resource for summer camp news, resources and information. But until recently, the search functionality on our site was less than ideal.
It consisted of a basic search box where you could enter keywords and phrases just like any search engine, but you couldn't customize your search and the results weren't always as relevant as they could be. This made it hard to find exactly what you were looking for. Thanks to our new and improved search feature, that's all different now. You'll be glad to know we've completely streamlined and upgraded the search functionality on Our new and improved website search tool enables you to find the best L.A. summer camps faster and easier than before. You can completely customize your search according to the camp-finding criteria important to you such as type of camp, camp price, camp location, and more. Relevant, high-confidence results are then delivered to you instantly matching anything you might be looking for. Where to find the new search tool on the site Not only is using the search tool on our site easy to use, it's also easy to find. It's located in the middle of the home page as well as the upper-right side of the header menu and on nearly every page on the site. It works as well on your phone and other mobile devices as your computer, enabling you to quickly find accurate information. What will L.A. Summer look like going forward? Not much different, but a whole lot better! We will always be committed to bringing you the latest important news and information relating to Los Angeles summer camps. That won't ever change. What's changing -- for the better -- is how you'll search for, and find, camps on our site. With our new search feature, you will be able to find accurate information quickly and easily so you can choose the best camp for your child this summer. Happy searching!
We came across an article on, one of the top another summer camp search engines, discussing the importance of choosing a stable camp as it relates to emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic. We advise reading it.
The article points out various points of considerations parents should be aware of not just from a financial perspective, but from staffing and others with respect to various challenges certain camps could be facing in a post-pandemic world. It's an interesting and high-value read, especially for those families wanting to send their kids to camp next summer while making sure the selected camp is in a strong position financially and operationally. |
AuthorBlog posts by Cora Carter of L.A. Summer Categories