Some of the coolest camps around (in our opinion, anyway! :) are robotics camps for kids. The provide some of the most engaging and educational (not to mention fun!) experiences around.
Rolling Robots, right here in L.A., is one such program for kids ages 5 to 14. It's a Robotics and STEM Summer Camp that offers a wide range of camps, such as Rolling Robots Classic - Robots Rock, Lego Mindstorms (All-time Favorite), VEX IQ and VEX Building & Coding (Getting competition ready), Battle Robots Building, Minecraft 1.0, Digital Design and MOD (Java Coding) - for all Minecraft kids, APP Development, Scratch Coding and Junior Robot Coders. When we look at summer camps, we always consider the supervision ratio as part of our review. Rolling Robots' 6:1 camper-to-staff ratio sounds pretty good to us! Rolling Robots' first day of camp for the 2019 season is June 10. They operate 9am to 4pm with half-day, full-day, after-care options. Learn more about this program at
Can you daughter make her on iPhone at summer camp? She might be able to now, if you check out this unique summer camp program called Girls Who Code! Girls Who Code Campus offers two-week courses for girls ages 10 through 18. Each course dives deep on challenging material, like iPhone App Development, Wearable Tech & Fashion Design, or Website Design & Development. Courses focus on hands-on activities and explore computer science concepts in a fun, creative environment that facilitates sisterhood and confidence-building. Campus is hosted at Scripps, Harvey Mudd, and Loyola Marymount University. Want to Learn More about Girls Who Code? Come to the L.A. Camp Fair!Several representatives from the Girls Who Code summer program will be on hand to meet you at L.A. Camp Fair 2018 Sunday, March 11 at UCLA. The L.A. Camp Fair is totally free and greater L.A.'s biggest and best camp expo, so grab your free tickets today for the Camp Fair and meet the staff from Girls Who Code (and about 75 other L.A. area camps).
Attending L.A. Camp Fair 2018 is the easiest and most convenient way to find the best camp for your child so they have an absolute blast this summer! Robotics and Things Summer Camp to Exhibit at the Thousand Oaks Conejo Valley L.A. Summer Camp Fair12/10/2017 We're always on the lookout for new and exciting summer camp programs for kids and teens to discover each summer. Kids into robotics, technology and STEM summer camp programs are in for a treat, as Robotics and Things Summer Camp will be attending the Conjeo Valley Thousand Oaks L.A. Summer Camp Fair Saturday, April 14 at Conejo Creek North Park.
Robotics & Things was established in 1995 to introduce a ROBOTICS Hands-on STEM Enrichment CURRICULUM to Boys & Girls in Grades K-8; Kids will design & build BattleBots, Robots, Robotic Vehicles & Creatures to perform unique Tasks, Challenges & Time-Trials based on CA/Nat'l Science Standards on Platforms including Targets, Mars Terrains, Obstacle Courses, Interlocking Sectionals and more; Boys & Girls will use Motors, Controllers, Cables and numerous Parts using creativity and imagination to create Bots in an Educational & Entertaining Environment with Individual, Team & Group Situations. Attendees will take-home a Motorized ROBOTICS Kit; CODE INSTRUCTION will be offered to Boys & Girls in Grades 3-8 (Ages 7-14)with our Computers and Take-Home Flash Drives. If this all sounds fun to you, don't miss the L.A. Conejo Valley Camp Fair, where You can meet staff and camp representatives from Robotics and Things and enjoy fun, hands-on sample activities right at their Camp Fair booth for an exciting taste of all the other fun stuff you'll do at camp this summer. The nice thing about looking for summer programs for kids in L.A. is there's never a shortage of worthwhile programs. No matter what kind of camp you want for your kids, you'll be able to find it with such a wide selection of programs. The thing is, though, families often limit themselves in their camp search because they may be unaware of the sheer incredible scope of available programs. Sure, everyone knows what a day camp is, and there's many good ones in L.A. The same can be said of sleepaway camps, too. But don't let your camp search stop there! Did you know you can also find camps that specialize in certain programs, activities or events, which can really increase the potential for your child to have an outstanding summer experience by choosing a program subject that interests them the most. Let's say your son or daughter is really interested in learning Spanish this summer. There's a camp just for them! Or how about computers and technology? There's even camps where your child can code a mobile app! How To Find all These Amazing Program OptionsJust the thought of sending your child to camp this summer is exciting. But your real challenge is finding the idea one. L.A. Camp Fair 2018 is your solution.
By attending the Camp Fair (similar to an expo), you' ll meet camp directors and staff from up to 100 different camps and learn about their programs. All the camps will be in one place so you can take your time going booth-to-booth grabbing free brochures and meeting camp staff. Admission is free and you even have your choice of Camp Fairs to attend either on Sunday, March 11 at UCLA; Saturday, April 14 in Thousand Oaks; or Sunday, April 22 in Calabasas. Attending the L.A. Camp Fair is like a "one-stop-shop" for finding the best summer camp for you. Hope to see you there! |
AuthorBlog posts by Cora Carter of L.A. Summer Categories