Since we started this blog over a year ago we've gotten various calls and emails from parents who've asked various camp-related questions. We get it -- you can never have too much information when you're looking for the right camp for your kids!
While the types of questions vary, one that comes up time and again is from parents of younger kids who are considering sending their kids to camp for the first time. In general, these are parents of preschoolers who want to know which camps are better than others in terms of serving first-time campers, and when is the right age to start sending their kids to camp? We always want to give helpful advice. We checked online to see if we could find any camps that specialize in serving first-time campers plus any other resources that might be helpful to you. Accordingly, here's an article that seems to offer some very good advice concerning How to Choose a Preschool Summer Camp. In addition, here's a website that lists various summer camps in L.A. for preschoolers. And if your preschool-age child loves the beach, you might look into Keiki Camp which takes place at Paradise Cove in Malibu. Beach camp specializing in preschool age boys and girls who are going to summer camp for the first time.
AuthorBlog posts by Cora Carter of L.A. Summer Categories