Monday, November 23, 2020
Dear Camp Director,
On Wednesday, November 25 and Sunday, November 29 we emailing to our list of over 3,000 Los Angeles parents and families a comprehensive list of camps and programs who are offering Black Friday and Cyber Monday coupons, discounts, offers or promotions.
For the past several years, we offered Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals to our own camp customers in the form of gift cards and gift certificates. These items are popular with families, make great stocking-stuffers, and have generated a few hundred to several thousand dollars for us in November revenue -- a welcome addition to any camp's bank account in one the slowest months of the year.
The above-referenced 3000+ subscribers have opted-in to receiving emails from us for the purpose of learning about local summer camp opportunities and receiving information and offers from programs like yours. If you would like to be on our resource list, we will include your camp's name and website address in our email and post a link to your offer here.
For $165, you can be included in the email and here on our website. Please fill out and submit to us the form below by Tuesday November 22 at 10pm Pacific Time to be included in Wednesday morning's email. We'll send you an online invoice for $165 and a confirmation upon receipt of your form. Thank you!
Dear Camp Director,
On Wednesday, November 25 and Sunday, November 29 we emailing to our list of over 3,000 Los Angeles parents and families a comprehensive list of camps and programs who are offering Black Friday and Cyber Monday coupons, discounts, offers or promotions.
For the past several years, we offered Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals to our own camp customers in the form of gift cards and gift certificates. These items are popular with families, make great stocking-stuffers, and have generated a few hundred to several thousand dollars for us in November revenue -- a welcome addition to any camp's bank account in one the slowest months of the year.
The above-referenced 3000+ subscribers have opted-in to receiving emails from us for the purpose of learning about local summer camp opportunities and receiving information and offers from programs like yours. If you would like to be on our resource list, we will include your camp's name and website address in our email and post a link to your offer here.
For $165, you can be included in the email and here on our website. Please fill out and submit to us the form below by Tuesday November 22 at 10pm Pacific Time to be included in Wednesday morning's email. We'll send you an online invoice for $165 and a confirmation upon receipt of your form. Thank you!